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All times are in EST and pertain to April 29. To get links to all presentations, please login to the ICLR virtual website for this workshop.

Time Type Title
08:00 AM - 08:10 AM Live Opening Remarks
08:10 AM - 08:30 AM Live Summary of Previous Workshops
08:30 AM - 09:00 AM Foundation Talk Smita Krishnaswamy
09:00 AM - 09:30 AM Foundation Talk Bernadette Stolz
09:30 AM - 10:10 AM Panel Discussion (live) Panel D: Bridging Theory and Practice
10:10 AM - 10:30 AM Invited Talk Roland Kwitt
10:30 AM - 10:50 AM Invited Talk Stefanie Jegelka
10:50 AM - 11:00 AM Case Study Stefan Horoi
11:00 AM - 11:40 AM Panel Discussion (live) Panel C: Topology-Driven Machine Learning
11:40 AM - 11:45 AM Spotlight Neural Approximation of Extended Persistent Homology on Graphs
11:45 AM - 11:50 AM Spotlight RipsNet: a general architecture for fast and robust estimation of the persistent homology of point clouds
11:50 AM - 11:55 AM Spotlight Pre-training Molecular Graph Representation with 3D Geometry
11:55 AM - 12:00 PM Spotlight Group Symmetry in PAC Learning
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM Poster session on Gather.Town Poster Session I
01:40 PM - 01:50 PM Case Study Tara Chari
01:50 PM - 02:30 PM Panel Discussion (live) Panel A: Data-Driven Manifold Learning
02:30 PM - 02:35 PM Spotlight TopTemp: Parsing Precipitate Structure from Temper Topology
02:35 PM - 02:40 PM Spotlight A Piece-wise Polynomial Filtering Approach for Graph Neural Networks
02:40 PM - 02:45 PM Spotlight Message passing all the way up
02:45 PM - 02:50 PM Spotlight Neural Sheaf Diffusion: A Topological Perspective on Heterophily and Oversmoothing in GNNs
02:50 PM - 03:50 PM Poster session on Gather.Town Poster Session II
03:50 PM - 04:00 PM Case Study Dmitry Kobak
04:00 PM - 04:50 PM Panel Discussion (live) Panel B: Long-Range Graph Representation Learning
04:40 PM - 04:50 PM Case Study Jessica Moore
04:50 PM - 05:00 PM Live Closing Remarks

Panel A: Data-Driven Manifold Learning

Panel B: Long-Range Graph Representation Learning

Panel C: Topology-Driven Machine Learning

Panel D: Bridging Theory and Practice